India's first Summer Olympiad Exam focused on students' conceptual understanding of previous classes | The exam will have 70-75% weightage of previous class and 25-30% weightage of the one before. Check the syllabus | The exams are scheduled in May 2023 and July 2023. Check the Exam Dates here| See Marking Scheme here | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | Register now for Summer Olympiads

Want to learn better? Start Mind Mapping

Want to learn better? Start Mind Mapping

Unicus Olympiads
Unicus Olympiads

Want to learn better? Start Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping is one of the best ways to unleash brains creativity and potential. It is a type of software that captures a person’s thought and brings it to life in visual form. Apart from note-taking, mind mapping helps to enhance a person’s creativity, make them remember more, and solve problems more effectively.

If you are looking for a definition then Mind Mapping can be defined as “a diagram that connects information around a central subject”. For example: a tree, even though it has a more radical structure, we can assume the centre as the main idea, say music, famous singers and composers. Beautiful music emerges from there and the branches can be linked together. Mind mapping is used for thinking and learning task, from studying a subject to planning a career or even building good habits.

Mind Mapping can be more effective than note-taking because of the following reasons:

  • As it is a graphical tool it is more memorable and enjoyable because it consists of colours, numbers and images.
  • It links and groups the concepts together through natural associations and helps
  • A mind map helps in holding a large amount of information and it also gives an overview of a large subject at once.
  • It helps to organize ideas as they bounce off each other rather than thinking linearly.
  • Ideas are generated very quickly with this technique.
  • Mind Mapping tends to encourages different and creative pathways.
  • In a survey, the executives who used mind mapping software told that it takes comparatively less time and even complex projects can be organised in it.

Mind Mapping is the best platform for people to show their creativity and it also proves to be a good exercise for a person’s brain. Research suggests that mind mapping improves a person’s memory and learning capacity by 10-15% in comparison to note-taking and studying techniques. It also saves time.

So as long as both of them take the alternate pieces, they can have their fare share of pizza and Karen can beam with proud due the amount of mathematical knowledge she contains.

So, what are you waiting for? Start today with Mind Mapping!

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